Y For Yarn-To-Yarn Environmentally Friendly Handbags
Y For Yarn-To-Yarn Environmentally Friendly Handbags
Y For Yarn-To-Yarn Environmentally Friendly Handbags

Y For Yarn-To-Yarn Environmentally Friendly Handbags

In pursuit of the sustainability yet uncompromised quality, it is the mixture of recycled and virgin cotton yarns by the waterless The Billie system in HK. Inspired by the Roads to go Green, the pattern and vivid colour are the highlights. A pair of string inside the spacious interior as the closure


為了追求永續發展和不妥協的品質,這款編織手提包採用香港 The Billie 回收系統的回收棉紗和來自美國的優質棉花混合物製成。The Billie system 回收系統,在香港回收紗線,透過專利無水技術,把紗線消毒再進行升級改造成新的紗線。
