◤CocaCola x FASHION・可口可樂 x 時尚設計◢
華裔設計師Daniel Wong再度突破時尚界限,於2024年推出全新街頭狂野系列,以滑板文化
Daniel Wong秉持品牌獨有的創意美學,將街頭文化融入服裝設計中,以鮮明的圖案、俐落的剪裁、與大膽的配色展現摩登前衛風格。此次設計強調自由流動的線條感與層次,讓穿著者無論是在日常還是極限運動中,都能感受到動態的美感與力量。
CoCaCola x DW x CLA’S Looks
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Pioneer’s Imprinted Plain Patchwork Overalls
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚印記連身工裝褲NT38,800≈ USD1,315.3 -
The Wave Different Materials Splicing Round Neck Quilted Jacket
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚浪潮圓領廓型鋪棉夾克NT22,800≈ USD772.9 -
Pioneer’s Imprinted Round Collar Long Sleeve Slim Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 圓角領長袖修身襯衫NT14,800≈ USD501.7 -
Boundless Soar Patchwork Oversize Sleeved Lapel Short Coat
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚無界翱翔OVERSIZE連袖翻領短大衣NT28,800≈ USD976.3 -
Pioneer’s Imprinted Stitched Double-Breasted Blazer
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚印記拼接壓線雙排扣西裝外套NT28,800≈ USD976.3 -
Symbolic Allure Round Collar Long Sleeve Slim Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 意象交織圓角領長袖修身襯衫NT14,800≈ USD501.7 -
Pioneer’s Imprinted Plain Patchworkfloor-Length Wide Trousers
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚印記斜邊拼接落地寬褲NT14,800≈ USD501.7 -
The Wave Different Materials Splicing Baseball Jacket
CLA x DW x CocaCola 素面拚浪潮異材質拼接棒球外套NT28,800≈ USD976.3 -
Pioneer’s Imprinted Budding Splice Oversize Baseball Jacket
CLA x DW x CocaCola 印記出芽剪接OVERSIZE棒球外套NT23,800≈ USD806.8 -
Symbolic Allure Round Collar Long Sleeve Slim Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 意象交織圓角領長袖修身襯衫NT14,800≈ USD501.7 -
Boundless Soar Patchwork Denim Raglan Cut Oversize Baseball Jacket
CLA x DW x CocaCola 無界翱翔拚接牛仔插肩剪接OVERSIZE棒球外套NT25,800≈ USD874.6 -
Symbolic Allure Ultra-Short Long-Sleeved Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 意象交織超短版長袖襯衫NT12,800≈ USD433.9 -
Boundless Soar Round Collar Long Sleeve Slim Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 無界翱翔圓角領長袖修身襯衫NT14,800≈ USD501.7 -
Pioneer’s Imprinted Cropped Drawstring Jacket
CLA x DW x CocaCola 印記短版抽繩夾克外套NT19,800≈ USD671.2 -
Convergence Raglan Oversize Shirt
CLA x DW x CocaCola 匯聚活片剪接插肩OVERSIZE襯衫NT18,800≈ USD637.3 -