I am Hagrid.
I from 【UN-TOXIC】, a brand, that has held by my college friend ,Wei.
By cooperating with 【CLA】, I really appreciate all the chance you give me.
Hope you enjoy the clothes!
Graduated from USCFD.
Hagrid’S Looks
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Toxic U Neck Cutting Denim Outerwear
【直播優惠價】Toxic x CLA 造型大U領短版牛仔外套NT1,780≈ USD60.3 -
Toxic Ruffle Shoulder Detail Denim Blouse
【直播優惠價】Toxic x CLA 花邊雙肩鏤空縮腰單寧襯衫NT1,580≈ USD53.6 -
Toxic Layer Pleated Gray Skirt
【直播優惠價】Toxic x CLA 灰色層次造型百褶裙NT1,780≈ USD60.3 -
Hagrid Lapel Layer Sleeves Blazer
Hagrid x CLA 單釦翻領寬摺袖西裝外套NT2,680≈ USD90.8 -